The Marriage System allows players to marry another player, with perks included!
Last updated
The Marriage System allows players to marry another player, with perks included!
Last updated
Send a marriage request to another player
/marry marry <player>
Teleport to your partner
/marry tp
Sets home for married players
/marry sethome
Deletes home
/marry delhome
Teleport to the home of married players
/marry home
Opens partner's backpack
/marry backpack
Partner must have /marry backpack on
toggled on
Allows your partner to open your backpack
/marry backpack on
Disallows your partner to open your backpack
/marry backpack off
Kiss your partner
/marry kiss
Hug your partner
/marry hug
Gifts the item in your hand to your partner
/marry gift
Private chat with your partner
/marry chat <message>
Toggles chat to be private with your partner
/marry chattoggle
Toggle PvP between two married players off
/marry pvpon
Toggle PvP between two married players off
/marry pvpoff
View all married couples
/marry list
Set the color of the marriage
/marry setcolor
Lists online priests
/marry listpriests
Divorce your partner
/marry divorce <player>