Relics are items that allow the player to summon legendaries and catch them! Every legendary has a relic so be sure to find as many of them as possible!
Last updated
Relics are items that allow the player to summon legendaries and catch them! Every legendary has a relic so be sure to find as many of them as possible!
Last updated
How to Use Relics
Once you have obtained three of the same relic, simply have all three relics in your inventory and hold one of them, in your hand, then right click.
Be sure to have an instant catch ball/any Pokeballs on hand as summoning a legendary, through relics, causes the player to IMMEDIATELY be engaged in a battle with it.
Obtaining relics through the crates (/warp crates)
Purchasing relics from other players directly or through the Global Trading System (/gts)
Time Rewards
WARNING: Currently, some relics are glitched and fail to summon the legendary so please remember to take screenshots before using the relics in case something goes wrong.