Legendary, Mythical, & Ultra Beasts
This page contains the spawn locations of all Legendary, Ultra Beasts, and Mythical Pokemon included in the Cobble Union Server. Up to Gen. 8 and excludes Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra.
Generation 1
Articuno - Snowy Plains
Zapdos - Savanna Plateau
Moltres - Badlands
Mewtwo - The End
Mew - Jungle
Generation 2
Raikou - Savanna
Entei - Windswept Hills
Suicune - Beach
Lugia - Ocean
Ho-Oh - Meadow
Celebi - Flower Forest
Generation 3
Regirock - Desert
Regice - Ice Spikes
Registeel - Jagged Spikes
Latias - Ocean
Latios - Ocean
Kyogre - Ocean
Groudon - Desert
Rayquaza - Jagged Peaks
Jirachi - Windswept Gravelly Hills
Deoxys - Deep Dark
Generation 4
Uxie - River
Mesprit - River
Azelf - River
Dialga - Windswept Savanna
Palkia - Windswept Savanna
Heatran - Basalt Deltas
Regigigas - Stony Peaks
Giratina - Soul Sand Valley
Cresselia - Flower Forest
Manaphy - Ocean
Darkrai - Dark Forest
Shaymin - Flower Forest
Arceus - Eroded Badlands
Generation 5
Victini - Crimson Forest
Cobalion - Birch Forest
Terrakion - Birch Forest
Virizion - Birch Forest
Tornadus - Plains
Thundurus - Plains
Landorus - Plains
Zekrom - Soul Sand Valley
Reshiram - Soul Sand Valley
Kyurem - Frozen Peaks
Keldeo - River
Meloetta - Plains
Genesect - Old Growth Spruce Taiga
Generation 6
Xerneas - Flower Forest
Yveltal - Nether Wastes
Zygarde - Lush Caves
Diancie - Jagged Peaks
Hoopa - Desert
Volcanion - Basalt Deltas
Generation 7
Type-Null - Rocky Jungles
Tapu Koko - Jungle
Tapu Lele - Jungle
Tapu Bulu - Jungle
Tapu Fini - Jungle
Cosmog - Mushroom Fields
Necrozma - Dark Forest
Magearna - Dark Forest
Marshadow - Nether Wastes
Generation 8
Zeraora - Savanna Plateau
Meltan - Lush Caves
Zacian - Birch Forest
Zamazenta - Birch Forest
Eternatus - Swamp
Kubfu - Dark Forest
Zarude - Bamboo Jungles
Regieleki - Desert
Regidrago - Nether Wastes
Glastrier - Snowy Plains
Spectrier - Swamp
Calyrex - Snowy Taiga
Enamorus - Plains
Ultra Beasts
Nihilego - Dripstone Caves and Deep Caves
Buzzwole - Jungles
Pheromosa - Plains
Xurkitree - Stony Spires
Celesteela - Savanna Plateau
Kartana - Sakura Grove
Guzzlord - Deep Dark
Poipole - Mangrove Swamp
Stakataka - Highlands
Blacephalon - Basalt Deltas
Last updated