Fallen Guardians
Alola's Guardians Now left in ruin after the fight that left them barren of life and what was once joy.
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Alola's Guardians Now left in ruin after the fight that left them barren of life and what was once joy.
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The heroes of Galar well known for stopping "The Darkest Day" from happening once more Leon, Hop, Victor, and Gloria with their Pokémon and the legendary Zacian and Zamazenta drove Eternatus out of the region, but wait, that doesn’t seem right, normally it's supposed to be caught by the hero, but this seems somehow different. Fueled with rage and hate, Eternatus fled to Alola where it rampaged on Mele-Mele Island, destroying Hau-oli City and grabbing the attention of Tapu-Koko, and the other Guardians, they all knew its power and still they fought for their region, and what they swore to protect. It all went wrong after the fight started, Eternatus had overpowered them without problem, even though the Guardians of Alola fought with everything they had, they were beaten to a point of no return, Eternatus had slain Tapu-Fini, Froze Tapu-Koko to a point where it looked and couldn’t move like and ice sculpture, Burned Tapu-Bulu badly enough that it can no longer help the plant life as it could before, and Tapu-Lele was poisoned beyond any had seen before, this wasn't a normal toxin, but something that had come of the rage to make such a thing. After all were beaten, they all laid there with broken spirits and left after some time, Filled with Dread and Anger, Fini awoke first but not like it was before, and fled, Then Bulu awoke, The pain of the flame that constantly burns, but never visible, he fled to a distant region as well, attempting to beat the pain away by fighting and never stopping, Koko laid there still living but unable to move, it gathered all its mental energy just to move, it fled to a distant region, moving every bit of itself, all its actions, because it gathered and honed its dormant psychic power, and then there was Lele, Powerless to the poison or so it thought, pulling in every metal it could, now protected from the poison, inside and out, it fled to Ignora as the others did. They weren’t here to protect though, the pain had caused them into a rampage in Ignora, never ceasing and never ending, people always fighting them off whenever they should appear.