This Section of the archive of knowledge our researchers collected will contain every bit of lore pertaining to the Phoenix Blazing Server, whether that be forms of Ignora, advanced or how the domains exist and what power exists that we cant yet reach that pulls the strings
(Photography for ignora forms done by, R00K1ES, DracoPaul1903, SheinoTheShiny, CadetMicrowave)
Ignora Region Lore
Ignora is known as the world’s oasis. Each region, including Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, and Paldea, has had its own cataclysmic event that rendered them uninhabitable. We have a few documented instances, such as Eternatus decimating Alola, injuring and killing the Tapu Guardians, and forcing them to abandon the region. Ignora is strange in that Pokémon can speak like humans without using telepathy and more.
Prof. Malakai came to the world with other researchers in search of habitable land and founded Ignora. While you could say that this place is normal from the base, there is much more to it. There are portals to alternate worlds built like a biosphere that we have deemed "Domains", weird island formations that Pokémon built that seem to be their form of entertainment, and weird Pokémon that have power beyond what was thought possible, and have been called "Advanced Species".
There seem to be paintings in caves of the Pokémon, each telling a story in a language that is written in Unown. The one we came across in a deep grotto seemed to be a rune of a sort that had the symbol of nature on it, but we left it alone as we did not want to risk our lives. We have also discovered that like Alola and Galar used to have, in Ignora we have uncovered regional forms and have documented a couple, including an Electric/Fire Feraligatr, a Water/Dark Cinderace, and a Grass/Fighting Blaziken.
The things we have found in this region are wonderful and unique. For anyone that sees this journal of information on everything we have discovered, respect the power this region holds or be inevitably consumed by it through greed.
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